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Happy Spinal Twist Masterclass with Alex Santos

In this workshop we will be learning different approaches to safely approach spinal twist. 

Twisting yoga poses increase spine mobility, relieve blocked energies and stimulate the digestive system and other organs. The gentle and controlled movement of yoga twists slows down the deterioration of your spinal discs. It also maintains the spine’s natural range of motion and ensures it does not become stagnant.

Whether you struggle with back pain or want to feel younger, yoga twists can help.

About Alex

A mother of three, Alex has welcomed yoga as an integral part of her life and is eager to share her experience. Her classes focus on self discovery and spiritual growth using all the elements the Ashtanga yoga method offers in and out of the yoga mat. She travels internationally to teach workshops and yoga retreats. Alexandra Santos taught Ashtanga Yoga at Miami Life Center for thirteen years and is a Level 1 Authorized teacher from Sharath Yoga Centre in Mysore, India. She has been practicing the Ashtanga Yoga method for 18 years.

10% discount for unlimited membership holders. Get in touch before booking -

14 December

Energy & the Ashtanga Method with Alex Santos

19 March

Ashtanga Intensive with Marque Garaux - Cracking the code of Ashtanga yoga