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Ashtanga Intensive with Marque Garaux - Cracking the code of Ashtanga yoga

We are very excited to welcome Marque to Bonn for the first time!

Marque is KPJAYI Level 2 authorised and will be at the studio for 5 days to share his teachings.

There is the opportunity to join for the full Intensive or for individual sessions.


  • Wednesday 19th March - Mysore Session (6.30-9am)

  • Thursday 20th March - Mysore Session (6.30-9am)

  • Friday 21st March - Mysore Session (6.30-9am)

  • Friday 21st March - Evening workshop (Cracking the code of the mind) (6-8pm)

  • Saturday 22nd March - Mysore Session (8-10.30am)

  • Saturday 22nd March - Afternoon workshop (Cracking the code of the body part 1) (1-4pm)

  • Sunday 23rd March - Led Primary (9-10.30am)

  • Sunday 23rd March - Afternoon workshop (Cracking the code of the body part 2) (1-4pm)

Cracking the code of Ashtanga yoga

This package includes 3 workshops and 5 classes (Mysore or led). The intensive will help you to view and understand the practice from an entirely different lens. We will look with great detail how the practice is structured and how to use the mind and the body to navigate it most effectively. This intensive is perfect for the intermediate or advanced student who is feeling stuck or for the beginner who is thirsty for loads of knowledge. Notebooks or phones for recording are encouraged.

Workshop Overview

Friday evening: 

Cracking the Code of the Mind (2 hours)- This session is aimed to help take the eager aspirants of yoga off of their mats and into a deep group discussion. We will talk about the nature of the mind, our thoughts, perceptions of good and bad, the seen world around us and how it creates the obstacles that keep us in a comfortable state of delusion. 


Cracking the Code of the Body part 1 (3 hours)- Memorizing anatomical terms is sadly not enough to really understand anatomy. Here we will view the body and its sometimes intelligent and sometimes flawed designs. We will learn how to view, discuss, and move the body in ways that will increase both strength and mobility. This workshop will contain strength and mobility drills that students are encouraged to participate in and also film for later use.


Cracking the Code of the Body part 2 (3 hours)- This asana clinic will take the larger concepts from part 1 and will apply them to the asanas and vinyasas of the 1st, 2nd and even 3rd series. In addition to moving our bodies with our own strength we will also explore how and when to assist and to be assisted. 


Full Intensive (4x Mysore, 1x Led, 3x Workshops)

310 Euro (290 Euro early bird until 31.12.24)

Booked individually

Workshops - 60 Euro each

Mysore session - 30 Euro each

Led session - 35 Euro

10% unlimited membership discount applicable to the individual workshops only. To book the workshops separately, please refer to the workshop page here.

8 March

Intro to Ashtanga Mysore Style with Katy

28 March

Meditations Workshop: Innere Stärke mit Gen Kelsang Lobma